Thu, 7 May 2009
CAFE DISCO | 05.07.09 | 9/8c PT | TV-PG MICHAEL
Steve Carell) gets into the café/disco scene. Meanwhile, Pam (Jenna
Fischer) and Jim (John Krasinski) decide to take a secret trip. Rainn
Wilson, Ed Helms, Leslie David Baker, Brian Baumgartner, Kate Flannery,
Mindy Kaling, Angela Kinsey, Phyllis Smith, Oscar Nunez, Creed Bratton,
Paul Lieberstein and B.J. Novak also star.
--------------------- As I mentioned in the last podcast, I can't think of a dumber sounding plot than Michael bringing coffee and "disco" to the office. Still, from the humblest acorns, mighty oaks grow. Hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised. As for the "B" plot-- a huge thanks to NBC for spoiling that for me during LAW & ORDER last night. Idiots. Of course, it COULD just be a fake-out, but either way, I feel extremely annoyed. Sigh. As always, leave your comments below, and join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the episode airs.
-- posted at: 10:37am EST
i think there\'s not any other way to say this: The Office Season 5 is simply a weak season. The worst overall since season 1\'s rocky start. Any weak individual episode can be justified away by a true fan, but if we look at the arc of this season as a whole, there is no denying this simple, sad truth. Yes, it is true that the Michael Scott Paper Company idea was a great IDEA, but it wasn\'t handled nearly as well as it could have been. The conclusion of the Andy/Angela/Dwight love triangle was another major disappointment for me because Andy can be such a great character, if written properly, but he\'s had little to work with. Pam and Jim haven\'t had much to do this season, either. The show obviously took a hit with Greg Daniels and Michael Shur leaving; I can only speculate on other reasons for the quality dip. Ultimately, the writing is the weak link here; the cast is doing, and has always done, the best they can with what they have. P.S. Matt and Kevin, it nearly broke my heart last podcast when you guys were sadly trying to justify in a number of ways another major continuity error (this one involving the lack of previous Casual Fridays in the office). It is not our job, as fans, to have to make up for sloppy and disappointing performance on the part of the writers. The Office can be a great show, I just hope they get some new ideas for next season. I can only hope hope hope that Holly joins the main cast.
I have been listening to your podcast religiously and love it! I work for a cleaning company at night so hearing youse guyses voices keeps me sane. loved cafe disco. the dance off between andy and kelly was classic. dwight dancing = scary. wish jam woulda gotten hitched at the court house seemed simple and perfect for them but no they gotta string it out for another season finale. I\'m betting we won\'t see, that is if we see at all, a wedding until next season. sad face. well keep up with the great podcasts. gotta keep my twss fix coming. ps do you see any possiblility in an andy and kelly relationship?
I found the first part of the episode uncomfortable, awkward, stilted, and almost unbearable. Michael holding up the speaker to the vent was just about the breaking point, and I thought the whole disco idea was crazy and a waste of an episode... then, suddenly, it won me over, just like the office staff were won over. By the end, I was rocking out from the ankle down just like Angela. Once again, you start off thinking Michael is going to be shown as an over-the-top nincompoop, but it turns out that Big Daddy really does know how to bring his office \"family\" back together again. Phyllis\'s jealousy made for a nice catalyst to start off her little plotline. Feelings like that come and go in a relationship, and I liked seeing Bob VanceVanceRefrigeration and his lads again. Lots of great expressions from everyone in the cast, great line deliveries. Poor Michael eating alone, those two sad eyes peering over the blinds. Oscar\'s little smile while asking Michael not to make them call him daddy. Angela walking under the limbo pole was one of the best subtle sight gags ever. On a second viewing, I\'m sure I\'ll enjoy it more, now that I\'m already won over. Yes, I laughed out loud.
I don\'t think this was a funny episode, nor was it a plot heavy plot episode, the Pam/Jim stuff was a little sweet, and this time Jam was sweet without over the top drama or wacky misunderstanding. I did love Creed eating chicken, and Angela walking under the limbo pole. Too bad for Matt those can\'t play on the podcast. I know alot of people didn\'t like the cold open, I think it suffered from Dwight being a little too over the top, I know his laughing was supposed to be annoying but it worked a little too well. I think this would have made a much better B plot, it would have been hilarious if randomly throughout the episode Erin and Dwight would have Pam/Jam conversations, ending the episode with Erin confessing that she misses Dwights friendship.
No, this was not the greatest episode of all time. But I like that, again, they are not ignoring that the Michael Scott Paper Company existed. Using the old space as the cafe disco was kind of cute, although very silly. Of course none of us really thought Jim and Pam would actually be getting married, but watching tall, awkward John Krasinski dance was worth it. And I LOVED the Andy/Kelly dance off. So ridiculous and actually a bit believable.
Is Ryan supposed to be anorexic now? What was that line about him controlling his food about? One part I did like was how Michael really wanted Angela to have fun. Yet again Carell does a brilliant job of making Michael seem earnest and caring rather than annoying and idiotic. But the best scene of the episode for me was Michael holding the stereo up to the vent and mouthing \'Everybody Dance Now\' with such an intense expression on his face, I was laughing so much that I woke up my baby. Yet the fact that this tiny scene was a highlight just proves how little I cared for this episode. I definitely agree this apisode was filler, I really wish they\'d put this crap in earlier and ended the season with Broke.
I was expecting this episode to be horrible, but like Farkman said, the longer it continued the better I thought it was. Although I wasn\'t laughing out loud, I realized I had a smile on my face for the entire second half of the episode. I was dancing right along with the cast. The Dwight/Phyllis plot was strange. But I liked seeing the Vance Refrigeration guys again, Kevin\'s girlfriend, and even the Dwight/Phyllis plot reminded me of Crime Aid and how they shared a \"moment\" during that episode. And dare I say it? I may even be starting to like Erin. Was it the best episode ever? No. But I found it entertaining and it was a nice change of pace from all the drama we\'ve been watching. Can\'t wait to listen to the next podcast.
I thought this was a fun episode. I enjoyed seeing everyone having fun (and Stanley sleeping). I actually found that the most touching scenes were the Phyllis/Dwight scenes. The combination of Dwight treating Phyllis like a horse then the two later having a bit of an emotional connection. I\'m not saying Dwyllis should become an item, but I think that scene showed nice chemistry between the two.
This was such a filler episode! Sure it looked fun to film, but there was no plot. If this episode could be taken out, I\'m sure there would be no confusion in the finale. The stuff with Dwight was creepy and the thing with Bob Vance,Vance refrigeration, \"cheating\" was stupid. However it was fun to the cast dance and seem like a happy f-bomb(ha). The joke with Angela walking under the pole was funny. The horse thing was creepy but funny. But the only emotional thing(for me) in the episode? Jim picking flowers like a schoolboy, adorable! Also, Matt, Kevin, Thanks so much for the podcasts! I\'ve been listening to them while I work on these god-awful school assignments. PLEASE do some more retro episodes this summer! Once again, thanks!
Well...that...was...ummm...not great. I know people found this funny, which proves how subjective comedy is. Jim and Pam are so squishy cute, it\\\'s getting boring; however, they were sweet here. Loved how Jim went to pick flowers for Pam. But pleeease, I knew they weren\\\'t going to get married in this episode. Youngstown, Ohio? No offense to the place, but blech. Their love is too big to have it quietly made legal in an elopement in a courthouse in nowheres-ville. Nuh Uh. They must be married with all the standard romantic stuff, and thankfully, dancing in that YMCA moment, it was like a glimpse into their wedding reception. I almost saw Pam\\\'s dorky dancing in a wedding gown with Jim dorky dancing with her in his tuxedo shirt and tie. Thankfully, they\\\'re going to have a wedding. I didn\\\'t find anything funny about Dwight continuing his brush with \\\"Silence of the Lambs\\\" by getting Phyllis in a room with her bad back, cutting the back of her top a-la Buffalo Bill (shutter), and then feeding her a carrot like she was a horse. That was horrid, insulting to the woman, just plain uncalled for. However, again - what some may find offensive, others find funny. Michael is exhausting. This Cafe Disco thing was just another reason for him to have everyone love him by trying to relieve \\\"stress\\\" or to cut the tension that still exists. It didn\\\'t work for me. Do we have to like the new receptionist? Ugh. I don\\\'t want to get to know any more new people. But that\\\'s just me. Kelly and Andy? Are they hinting at a possible relationship here? NO. MORE. INNER-OFFICE RELATIONSHIPS, PLEASE! I did love the YMCA dance. That was fun. And some of the music did make me get up and dance. But... I feel like I\\\'m falling out of love with a boyfriend who has changed so much I don\\\'t recognize him, biding my time to find the right time to break up. When Jim and Pam finally tie the knot, I think I may check out.
Wow. Have weall turned into a bunch of Angela\'s here? So what if this so isn\'t a continuation of the MSPC plotline. After such an intense plotline, its nice to get everyone to loosen up and have some fun. A calm before the storm that the finale will be. Id even Angela can move her feet and enjoy herself, so can youguys. And I know matt and kevin will hate this, but I want more Kandy. And Matt, prepare to eat crow upon Holly\'s return. Also, if you want to hate on someone, hate the NBC promo department for the annoying promo for this week.
Apologizing in advance to those who liked it, I feel that \"Cafe Disco\" is one of those episodes that shouldn\'t have been made. It wasn\'t funny, added nothing to the plot line of the season and didn\'t have any memorable line. I may change my opinion after a second view, but to me it\'s a 3 (1 in NY).
I had pretty low expectations going in to this one (based on the TV listings preview), but I was pleasantly surprised. Not a particularly memorable moment but it was still a lot of fun. It was also nice to see Erin finally have something to do(even if that something was to just spend most of the episode dancing).
Hate Dwight\'s character more than ever but pulling his hair back and doing the Nicholson impression was great. The voice was eerie. Also liked the shot of Stanley sleeping - more effective than any dialogue for him. Thought we all were going to jump all over Phyllis\' dress back together - until they explained it.
While i have yet to finish the episode, I need to call this out: There is a 24 hour waiting period for a marriage license in NYC. According to general directions from Google Maps via car, NYC is 2 hours away from Scranton. Youngstown, Ohio is over 5 hours away from Scranton. FIVE HOURS! I call a foul here. Do your research, writers! I feel better now.
i thought this episode was going to be boring, but it was hilarious. anytime michael or andy dances, it\'s incredible. i was laughing the whole time, only thing that sucks is that your podcast might not work out because most the laughs were purely physical humor.
This was clearly supposed to be a feel good episode, but I found it to be a bit of a mess. I thought it relied on physical or visual gags (some worked, some didn\'t) instead of a strong script. The dialog was really strange in places, particularly Angela\'s and I found the behavior of a lot of the characters to be downright silly. The Jim and Pam plot was so ultra syrupy sweet there should have been little animated birds tweeting around their heads. Are they setting up Kelly and Andy as a couple? I was kind of enjoying the breather from everyone hooking up. Maybe I\'m just being a grouch and Cafe disco will grow on me in a rewatch. For now though, bring back the halcyon days of the Michael Scott Paper Company!
All I could think during this episode was, \"What the hell is going on?\" For some reason Dwight suddenly cares about Phyllis? And she suddenly can tolerate him? And the rest of the episode was just an excuse for a dance party. It was an entertaining mess, I suppose, but a mess nonetheless. I will admit it was fun to see everyone dancing and having a good time, but this has to be the strangest episode of The Office ever... wait I forgot about the Superbowl episode... OK second strangest.
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