Dunder Mifflin Infinity Version 2.0 FROM: Dunder Mifflin
TO: All Dunder Mifflin Infinity Employees

We have brand-new year of DMI starting Sept. 4th with new scores, new tasks, new desks and improved features!

New to DMI?
Left halfway through the year?
Didn't get into your desired branch?
Always wanted to be a Regional Manager?

Come back and start from scratch! All the SchruteBucks and stats from last year will be wiped and everyone starts over as of Sept. 4th, so it's a whole new game!

Afraid of losing your profile and hard-earned desk items? Don't be! Your profile will remain intact as will as the desk items you purchased up until now.

Branches will be open for business Thursday, Sept. 4th and will accept applications from ALL members, current and new. Everyone is guaranteed to get into the first branch they apply to. The new Regional Manager hiring period will also begin the same day.

DON'T FORGET: The SchruteBucks you've earned in DMI 1.0 will be revert to zero at 11:59 PM ET/8:59 PM PT, Thursday, August 28th. The DMI site will be shut down for maintenance Aug. 29-Sept. 4, but you still will be able access the DMI Forums. There are a few days remaining to spend your remaining bucks so don't miss out!

Click here for a final hurrah and to say goodbye to DMI 1.0.


The Dunder Mifflin Infinity Team

Category:DM Infinity -- posted at: 11:57pm EDT

Holy crap on a crutch! We actually WON the DMI logo contest! Alicecomplex's logo (seen below) won out in the general voting over all the other DMI branch logos.  I couldn't be more proud.  For her efforts, she'll receive 300 SchruteBucks AND Angela Kinsey's "Sprinkles" t-shirt as seen in the season premier (autographed to boot).

Nice work!

Category:DM Infinity -- posted at: 11:57pm EDT

Vote For The Schaumburg Logo NOW!
well, we all voted for out favorite logo from within the Schaumburg submissions, and now "alicecomplex" has her logo going up against the best of the other branches.

What I'm not happy about is the fact that the final voting is open to ANYONE.  Yes, ANYONE.  Anyone at all.  You don't even have to be playing the game in order to vote.

So what does that mean?  Well, for one thing, it means PENNY ARCADE's huge audience can freely vote for the Spokane, WA's Dunder Mifflin "Fruit F*cker" logo and pretty much kill anyone else's chance to win.  Same thing for branches associated with other giant forums or personalities.  Now, I'm not saying that the TWSS branch isn't big, but we're not pulling in anywhere near the numbers of these other sites.

Voting closes on Sunday, so if you read this blog and get a chance, please vote for the Schaumburg branch's logo HERE.  At stake for the grand prize winner is the T-shirt Angela Kinsey wore during the FUN RUN episode.

Direct download: schaum.jpg
Category:DM Infinity -- posted at: 9:07pm EDT

First Task- Design a Logo
EDIT: The task is now live.  You have to use the online design tool supplied by the DMI site, so my "official" logo is out.  In fact, the only text you can have in your logo is the name of your branch... so not even a TWSS reference.  Sigh.

Still, we need all DMI branch members to head on over to the site and start designing!  You have until midnight on Tuesday.

Oh, and our desks are live too... you can buy stuff to populate your desk, but I'm not sure if I want to waste my SB's that way.  Still, if you submit a design you get 50 SBs, so that's something. 


OK folks, they've given out the first official task over at the DMI game-- design your branch logo.

I already jumped the gun and designed a logo on Friday, just for the heck of it (you can see it on the sidebar).  But that doesn't mean that someone out there can't do a better one.

Unfortunately, the DMI website appears to be broken again since the link to start designing your logo goes nowhere (and the promised desk feature STILL isn't working, despite a message saying it is).  The deadline for the task is 6pm E on Monday, so keep your eyes open.

Category:DM Infinity -- posted at: 8:37pm EDT

DMI Update
EDIT: Right after posting this, I found Eric's email in my spambox... to quote Professor Farnsworth, "good news, everyone!"  The Schaumburg branch officially belongs to TWSS!


OK, I just got an email saying I was officially "hired" on as an employee in the SCHAUMBURG, IL branch.  According to the FAQ, you are automatically hired *IF* the person whose code you entered is selected as the regional manager, so I'm hoping Eric was able to get his winning notification.  If not, there are still several open branches.  Ultimately, I'd like everyone who listens to TWSS to be in our branch, but it might not happen unless we take control of one ourselves (if the manager whose code you entered DOESN'T win, your hiring is left up to the whims of the manager that DID).

At this point, it almost seems like too much of a hassle to get EVERYONE who signed up to RE-sign up under a different branch, but I guess I'll have to wait and see if Eric was notified.  As of now, if you click on the link for "your branch," it only gives an error message.

BTW, the game FAQ has been posted, if you're interested in seeing what you're getting yourself into.

Category:DM Infinity -- posted at: 3:15pm EDT

Dunder Mifflin Infinity -- Sign Up NOW
Ok folks... the long rumored "The Office" home game is gearing up to start, and we need to get our TWSS branch up and running. 

Eric "Sabai" Olsen is going to be my contact on this front, and he has set up a branch for us to join.  The first manager that gets 15 people to sign up under their access code gets control of that branch.

I'm REALLY rather pissed off that the Racine, WI branch has somehow already been taken.  Because of this, we're going to have to go "south of the border" and start our very own SCHAUMBURG, IL branch.

To sign up, to go the official site:


register, and say you would like to be an employee for the SCHAUMBURG branch.  When asked, enter this code:


Time is really of the essence.  The first one to get 15 people to sign up gets control of that branch.  We definitely need to be in charge of our own TWSS branch, so let's get signing up!

Category:DM Infinity -- posted at: 2:12pm EDT

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The Co-Host: Kevin Crossman

The Conference Room: TWSS Chatroom

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