by Kevin Crossman

Mindy Kaling (Kelly Kapoor on The Office) participated in an online chat with OfficeTally yesterday. Here are some of the more interesting details.

Lecture Circuit was originally envisioned as a regular one-part episode. When the first cut of the episode came in at 42 minutes, meaning it would be extremely difficult to cut down to 21 minutes for airing. Greg Daniels then went to the network to see about turning this into a two-part episode, and the network agreed.  As an outcome of the episode expansion, the Andy and Angela storylines were hastily added and shot the next week. All of which basically reinforces the observations on the last podcast that these two storylines seem shoehorned in. They were. Literally.

A reader asked about the account, assumed to be written by Kaling herself. However, Kaling noted that the posts are being written by two writers assistants. Kaling said she would reconsider twittering in the future.

Kaling confirmed we'll see more of Jan Levenson (Melora Hardin) in future episodes, and in a bombshell moment confirmed that Amy Ryan will return as Holly Flax! She wasn't sure for how many episodes, but noted she will appear in at least one this season. One wonders if the key part of that statement is "this season," leaving Holly fans everywhere thinking that more appearances next season are a possibility. I guess we'll see.

Lastly, Kaling mentioned that she loved Ed Helms' 1-2-3-4 song from Lecture Circuit like I did.  You can view the entire transcript at:

Category:general -- posted at: 12:13am EST

Episode # 63 -- "Lecture Circuit" (2/5 & 2/12/09) Episode # 63 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin choosing an hour of napping. Gooooooood morning Viet-Nyaaashua! With the Scranton branch booming, Michael and Pam are on an excellent adventure to bring a bit of the old Scott magic to the rest of Dunder Mifflin. Meanwhile, Jim and Dwight, newly crowned kings of the Party Planning Committee, struggle to mollify Kelly after forgetting her birthday-- may I suggest a theme of 'horse hunting?' Andy strikes out, Angela makes us sick, and Creed discovers a new form of currency. Truly, this is the best episode of TWSS ever recorded. Am I a liar? Would a liar bring mini-Mounds bars? Incidental music provided by the Podshow Podsafe Music Network. Email us at TWSSpodcast @, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word!
Direct download: TWSS63.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:01pm EST

According to Us magazine, Angela Kinsey and husband Warren Lieberstein (brother of The Office's Paul Lieberstein) have separated after eight years of marriage.

The couple had their first child, a daughter, in May 2008.

Says Kinsey's publicist: "Angela and Warren are taking some time apart to figure out what is best for their relationship...They continue to be friends."

Category:general -- posted at: 8:49am EST

While you're waiting for the new episode of TWSS, why not enjoy the latest offering from PRI's THE SOUND OF YOUNG AMERICA?  Host Jesse Thorn always offers interesting interviews with various media personalities, and this week he is talking with Larry Wilmore.  Wilmore, the creator of THE PJ'S and THE BERNIE MAC SHOW, is perhaps best known to office nerds as "Mr. Brown" from season one's "Diversity Day" or as the "Senior Black Correspondent" on THE DAILY SHOW.

Click HERE for the iTunes link, or HERE for the show's official website.

Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm EST

Rainn Wilson pimped this fan-video/song on Twitter this morning.  Quite amusing.

Category:general -- posted at: 2:02pm EST


LECTURE CIRCUIT (Part 2) | 02.12.09 | 9/8c PT | TV-PG L

TOUR OF THE BRANCHES (PART TWO) - Michael (Steve Carell) and Pam (Jenna Fischer) continue their tour of the branches with Michael taking a lesson from their visit to Utica. Dwight (Rainn Wilson) and Jim (John Krasinski) struggle to fulfill their new party planning duties with a grumpy staff. Angela's (Angela Kinsey) new cat causes a stir. Ed Helms, Leslie David Baker, Brian Baumgartner, Kate Flannery, Mindy Kaling, Angela Kinsey, Oscar Nunez, Phyllis Smith, Creed Bratton and Paul Lieberstein also star.


Hm.  Huge Holly fan that I am, I was initially thrilled by the cliffhanger ending last week.  Unfortunately, I am starting to think that the writers are going to pull something-- some "lesson" about how Holly left and won't be there or something along those lines-- that is going to leave me an unhappy camper.  I dearly hope I am wrong, but since we haven't gotten any leaks or announcements about Amy Ryan coming back to the show (think about how long in advance we knew that Karen would be back) I am fearing the worst.  Still, I enjoyed the "Jwight" dynamic last week immensely, and even if Holly is gone I hope those two knuckleheads will keep the smile on my face.

As always, join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during/after the show, and post your comments below.

Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EST

by Kevin Crossman

For those wondering if B.J. Novak's absence from The Office of late will be worth it, you now have an opportunity to view the teaser trailer for Quentin Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds. The WWII film tells the story of a group of eight Jewish soldiers, including Novak's character, who cross enemy lines and basically kick Nazi butt. Brad Pitt stars as the leader of the group and Novak appears briefly in the trailer sporting a period haircut.

The film will be released on August 21, 2009

Matt says: Wow, that looks seriously ridiculous. Could this be the first "campy" WWII movie about mutilating Nazis?

Category:general -- posted at: 9:51pm EST

Episode # 62 -- "Stress Relief" (2/1/09) Episode # 62 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin wishing you'd push the reverse button. The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire. Dwight's lesson in fire safety (and Stanley's heart attack) makes Michael re-evaluate the amount of stress he brings into the office. His solution? A no-holds-barred ROAST of himself. What possible harm could THAT cause? Meanwhile, Andy's pirating movies, JAM face MORE drama (quel surprise), and Dwight tries to woo his office mates to sign off on his apology letter. If you've ever called the fire department because your head is stuck in your chair, you just might be a TWSS listener. Boom-- Roasted! Incidental music provided by the Podshow Podsafe Music Network. Email us at TWSSpodcast @, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word!

Direct download: TWSS62.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:49pm EST

From the Yahoo! TV listings:


Michael goes on a speaking tour of the other branches to explain Scranton's relative success, accompanied by his driver, Pam. Back at the office, Dwight and Jim - now the heads of the party planning committee - forget a birthday, with severe consequences. Meanwhile, Andy falls for someone he should not.


As always, leave your comments below and join Kevin and me in the TWSS chat room after the show.

Category:general -- posted at: 10:19pm EST

Obviously, the Super Bowl episode kind of screwed with our normal schedule, and these next two weeks NBC is also doing something they've NEVER done before-- airing a "part 1" and "part 2" "to be continued" sort of thing.  SO, we're going to reorganize our schedule just a bit.

Look for episode # 62 ("Stress Relief") to be posted on February 9th, and episode #63 ("Lecture Circuit" parts 1 & 2) to be posted on February 16th.

Category:general -- posted at: 4:53pm EST

by Kevin Crossman

We know some of you have enjoyed Twitter updates from Matt Sommer and myself. It's a great way to keep up to date with the recording schedule or anything going on in our personal lives. NBC has a Twitter feed for The Office as well and now Dwight Schrute himself, Rainn Wilson is on Twitter too.

Wilson started Twittering in the last week and among his posts he pimped his appearance on Jay Leno. And when you're a big celebrity like Wilson you get followers like crazy; in less than a week over 3000 people are following him. Who knows what Wilson will have to say next, but as he posted this week it is our duty "obey!"  Sir, yes, sir.

Category:general -- posted at: 5:51pm EST


STRESS RELIEF | 02.01.09 | 10:30 ET/7:30 PT | TV-PG L

STRESSED OUT IN THE OFFICE - SPECIAL ONE HOUR POST SUPERBOWL EPISODE FEATURING GUEST STARS JACK BLACK ("SCHOOL OF ROCK"), JESSICA ALBA ("FANTASTIC FOUR") AND CLORIS LEACHMAN ("MALCOLM IN THE MIDDLE") - After Dwight's (Rainn Wilson) fire safety seminar goes awry, he must make amends to the stressed-out office. Michael (Steve Carell) tries a number of ways to get his employees to relax before discovering that he is the number one stressor at work. So that people won't feel afraid of him, he insists on a no-holds-barred roast of himself. Also, while watching a pirated movie, Andy (Ed Helms) is convinced that Jim (John Krasinski) and Pam (Jenna Fischer) are film gurus. Leslie David Baker, Brian Baumgartner, Kate Flannery, Mindy Kaling, Angela Kinsey, Phyllis Smith, Oscar Nunez, Creed Bratton, Craig Robinson, Paul Lieberstein and Melora Hardin also star.


Well, here we are, ready for the big super-show tonight. Lots of questions remain: will the "guest stars" fit into the show? Will the the episode be extra "wacky" to try and appeal to this massive mainstream audience that will theoretically be sticking around to watch? Will Michael's roast be as predictable as it sounds (Michael throws the roast, no one wants to insult him, he insists, they insult him, he feels bad, everyone has to cheer him up, etc.), or will the writers surprise me as they have done many times in the past? Here's hoping for the best.

Oh, and if you're not busy before the episode, there's apparently some football game or something going on.

Category:general -- posted at: 12:54pm EST

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That's What She Said is a weekly podcast dedicated to NBC's Emmy Award winning show The Office. Every episode of TWSS includes TV episode clips and commentary, news, reports on upcoming media appearances of the cast, a selection of podsafe music, and much more. If you have a news item, piece of gossip, comment, constructive compliment, or are interested in promotional cooperation, please contact us:

Matt Sommer, host
Kevin Crossman, co-host

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The Co-Host: Kevin Crossman

The Conference Room: TWSS Chatroom

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