Tue, 20 October 2009
Tina - I totally also remembered the thing about Phyllis being badly-scented, HOWEVER, I think it\'s absolutely terrible that Pam thinks the world revolves around her because she\'s pregnant. It\'s making me really not like her, and I\'ve really enjoyed her \'transformation\' from dormat to confident woman, but that is just too much bitch for me. Good podcast, guys.
I agree with the comment about what Pam said. It was \"This is Pam, hey.\" I was a little confused about why Matt was comparing Erin to Roy Rogers until he threw in the quote about \"never meeting a man she didn\'t like\". That\'s from Will Rogers, not Roy Rogers. An easy mistake to make!
I love the podcast normally & should have been to the site sooner. My 3 questions are why do you hate Jim & Pam so much? Is it just for effect? How can you really think that it is okay to call people on their honeymoon? I like the insight on the directors, writers, editors etc. I couldn\'t get that stuff anywhere else & it adds to each episode. Also I like how you guys go in depth on the deleted scenes.
Hi Matt, loving the podcast as always. I don\'t always agree with you, but that is what I love about TWSS. It\'s good to hear another take on it, especially when it is well thought out and explained in a critical way. A few comments: The nausea and smells - I\'m going to take a guess and say this is based on someone\'s personal experience. When I was pregnant I was so sensitive to smells I couldn\'t walk into my kitchen because I could smell the food inside the fridge when the door was closed. So I thought this gag was pretty laugh out loud. But if you haven\'t been there, I can see where it would just be bitchy and vile. Regarding Niagara - I was very vocally against showing a wedding on camera, but I enjoyed the episode so much that I watched it twice in a row. It\'s always nice to see the cast being happy and having fun. They can\'t be crazy and outlandish all the time - it was one of those episodes where I was just fully entertained. Good thing it isn\'t my job to pick apart each episode and put together an hour long podcast about it. I would have just been loving all over that one :) Keep on sharing your views with us, positive or not. PS. Kevin is a great counter balance to the show. :)
I was running late this morning because I had to wait for the new podcast to download before I would leave the house. It was nice to listen to on my morning drive. I do have to point out one piece of continuity (on a show that increasingly disregards continuity) that you seem to have missed: You both keep talking about Pam objecting to Phyllis\'s soap like it\'s unreasonable. Which it may be...if you\'re forgetting what we learned in \"The Merger.\" Phyllis reeks. Karen tells us that she smells like a funeral home and Phyllis confirms that her perfume is made of \"real pine.\" That would make me vomit if I was pregnant too.
I listen but I am getting to the edge of my patience. The 1 guy hates Jim & Pam SO much that now it is wrong to not want non emergency calls on your honeymoon. Jim & Pam are the audience. They are the only normal people. IF this continues I think I have to bail because I couldn\'t support real life Michael Scott\'s. I like the access they get & I love The Office but not enough to think the rest of the cast is normal & Jim & Pam are the jerks. Also they ripped the episode then went over 20 funny parts. That tells me the episode was funny. These guys are on thin ice with me.
Hey guys Another great ep of the podcast. I like it when you guys mix in different songs to tie in with the episodes and loved the back and forth with the GODFATHER theme and the SOPRANOS theme song at the end as well as the sound fx. It\'s true. You guys talking about the ep was more enjoyable than the episode itself. So keep up the good work.
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