Tue, 2 October 2007
As most of you probably know, Entertainment Weekly has four (count 'em), FOUR collectible covers featuring The Office's hottest couples.
All I can say is... Yowza. From the cover story: ----------------------------------------- 'The Office': Working OvertimeThere is no way you will find The Office's set unless someone tells you where to look, and even then, it ain't easy. Buried deep in a swath of Van Nuys warehouses, the soundstage sits at the rear of a dead-end street where 18-wheelers turn around and the hot sun bakes the concrete blister gray. The first thing that catches your eye is a sign for Vance Refrigeration, and then another for a paper company by the name of Dunder Mifflin. Soon you're idling past that familiar parking lot, the very spot that's been home to both a tear-jerking confession of unrequited love and a ridiculous bouncy castle intended to catch the faux-suicide attempt of an unhinged boss desperate to prove a point. On this mid-September day, though, the anonymous lot, clogged with trailers and craft services, is almost unrecognizable. Inside, you're ushered into a small room just off the stage, and things become more familiar. Two monitors transmit shaky, nausea-inducing images from the mockumentary cameras: boxes of paper, drab carpeting, venetian blinds, a poster of some very scary babies. You watch an ordinary day in the life of The Office unspool as cast members wander in one by one to talk about how blessed they feel to be a part of this show. But that's where the conversation starts and ends: They're reluctant to spill any details about the series' fourth season, which started Sept. 27. If they do, it seems, executive producer Greg Daniels — described by one actor as ''the most quiet badass you'll ever know'' — will kill them. So here we are in a tiny room on a dead-end street in an industrial section of Van Nuys not being told anything. In a way, it's appropriate: a very awkward story on the awkward genius that is The Office. Read MORE here (or buy the issues... you know you want to).
-- posted at: 7:03pm EST
haha, ian (IAN!) i almost spit water all over my keyboard!! yeah, none of the women in the office suffer from having \\\"nothing to write home about\\\". they do a lot of shading and highlighting on her bust with bronzer to make it look exaggerated. ....boobs.
So, in what episode do we get to see the bacchanalia? Dunder Mifflin Orgy quotes (ripped off from previous episodes): \"Sometimes... you\'ve got ta get your freak on\" \"There comes a point when the daddy can\'t take a bath with the kids anymore...\" \"Is the skin red and swollen\"... and all the other TWSS\'s.
Do you think Melora Hardin really did get implants? Strange that they\\\\\\\'re so big here (Rainn Wilson does not have Dwight hair, for example). In any case, no it\\\\\\\'s no matter because she looks gorgeous gorgeous gorgous in that shot. And Carell\\\\\\\'s facial expression is perfect!!
No, I\'m pretty sure Melora Hardin didn\'t get implants. (I seem to recall her talking about this in the Season 3 commentaries.) There are many, many mysterious ways that women can make themselves look bigger and we use them all in the theatre. :) The bustier she\'s wearing under her blouse, for example, probably helps the illusion. Wow, maybe that was too much information. But you did ask, and it IS late . . . I think they\\\'re just going for the sexiest look possible for all of the people a sort of actor/character crossover, if you will. I LOVE the group pic, though. Hilarious. And since I\'ve already made this a pretty girly post, I just have to say that I positively adore Mindy Kaling\'s dress. That is all.