From Wikipedia:


NEW LEADS | 3.18.10

When the sales staff lets Sabre's new "sales is king" policy get to their heads, Michael hides their new, prized leads.




Sabre's "no caps on commission" policy played a big role in the main plot of MANAGER & SALESMAN, so I suppose this episode's antics are the result of said policy.  The mere mention of "leads" instantly brings to mind David Mamet's GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS (Always Be Closing, Mother f*cker), so I'm curious to see if writer Brent Forrester will use the famous play/film as inspiration or forge his own path.  Will Jim be the "Shelley Levene" of the bunch? Is Dwight DM/Sabre's "Ricky Roma"? Who's getting fired, and who gets the steak knives? Place your bets now.


As always, join Kevin and me in the TWSS chatroom during and after the airing of tonight's episode (I'll be there for the Eastern/Central showings; Kevin's got the Pacific).  Scroll down and hit the big green CHAT button on the right.



Category:general -- posted at: 9:47am EST

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